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Dedicated to Providing Independent Living & Man Down "SOS" systems.

Providing You with Help at Home or Away Just Press "SOS" and your family or appointed contact will know they are needed instantly.


With a LifeAlarm system you simply have a pendant, wear it on Lanyard, on a belt loop, on your keyring it is your choice.

The state-of-the-art system is live 24/7 direct to your family, chosen contacts or professional health care team.

When you need help you just press the large "SOS" button and the location you are at is sent directly to them.

You can have multiple contacts and these may be sent the message in various time delays if you wish.

Up-on receiving the call your care support will know, who you are, where you are and will also be able to speak and listen directly to you often giving reassurance to you or medical staff in attendance.

Man Down & Health Support provides "SOS" help call pendants available for NHS & Corporate purchase:


  • No License requirements for company use

  • Buy it - Use it out of the box

  • You have total control of GSM credit & network

  • Ideal for Lone working environments

  • Man Down automatic activation

  • Ideal for visitors to a large complex

  • Meet your DDA-H&S compliance requirements

  • Live demonstrations available on request

  • Mail our help centre for a custom quote for your specific site requirements

Individual Users provide a system for your independent living needs:



  • Choice of Pendant or Wristwatch*

  • Fall over detection (*not available on all watches)

  • Watches have additional functions                    (please review individual device specifications)

  • Two Way talk or Listen facilities

  • We provide all of the system ready for you

  • You have total control of GSM credit on your device (we recommend a minimum of £10 credit)

  • We provide training to user & care supporters

  • No minimum contract term You are in control 



Better Care Starts with a LifeAlarm


“As the H&S compliance officer I needed a system to inform me & security of any problems when working alone, LifeAlarm provided that level of safety to our staff and our visitors.”

Audrey Sellers


“I'm getting on a bit and needed to have a way to call help when out in the garden or when out and about now I'm on my own. My son is now so much happier  that if I need help I won't be left very long on my own

Arthur Milton

“Independent living does not mean being left to fend on your own, with my LifeAlarm if I need help I press my "SOS" button and my daughter is informed immediately and she will know where I am, and she can even talk to me"

 Betty Taylor


“I want to be able to go out but as I tend to forget my way home I sometimes need help from my family and pressing the "SOS" button they know where to find me it is very reassuring for them”

Ralph Pearlman

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